Monday, June 22, 2009

I Miss These People

Me and "J". I just miss all the giggles! Do you know, whenever I was at her house, she was always cooking. Her heart is pure and light. I will shoot myself if I don't try really hard to keep in touch with her and her family. They are just that decent a family!

LISA! I miss joshing with you, big time! *I haven't worn a sweatshirt since I left Maryland*

The guy on crutches and his wife took in Galadriel, where she is happy to live. I am certain that this was the best thing for her now. The move and the subsequent living arrangements would have been the end of her. (going L to R, of course). "C" - I miss just hearing the Spanish lilt to her speaking and her laugh with it's little squeak. "T" and "L" and "A" - such devoted ladies and hard workers; always at the Church doing -doing - doing. Well, we all were, but I was the least of them.
This is "A". She made me a mantilla. It's gorgeous and I will show it to you all some time.
"J" put together a shindig for our going away. YUM! That's "B" (of "B" and "B") leaning on the wall. She is the go-to planner! Generous beyond mention!! To the right, seated, is "K", "B's" partner in crime. Then there is JoMary leaning in to get some more grub. Her back is to us, but that is "R" (leads the MCCW group with "H") and last is "M" who is at every function helping out everywhere and is the quietest of souls.
All of them, and many not picture . . . I miss them all. They all richly blessed each one of us. God places us among many of His good people. It's His way of loving us along to goodness and generosity ourselves. Because, this life is never about us . . . but Jesus, Others, and then You. Joy is only found in that way. Jesus puts the Others in Your life. How are you loving them today?

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