These pictures are a mixture of Teenie and mine. Enjoy! *click on images to enlarge*
Oh, yes, this is a coffee tree. Just looking at it makes me want another cuppa!
I love pics of folk walking away. These are my boys:
A pretty pond full of Koi and . . . it started to sprinkle a bit at this point, but we were almost done and it was refreshing. It certainly wasn't hot today, by any means.
Just as the train rounded the bend to pull back into the 'station', these clouds were starting our way. Life's a gamble, as is the weather even in sunny Hawaii.
Loveliness on a pond. See the raindrops?
SB was about ready to go home at this point. Having had a bit of a run in with Teenie whilst in the gift shop on our way in, and, refusing to eat (moody!), he was getting hungry and fed up with us tourists.
I love how the sunlight trickles through the palms.
A white Hibiscus for y'all.
I kept calling these nanners, but they are plantains. Geesh! I'm old, give me a break!
The pineapple conveyor belt machine thing.
On the ride, you can smell the fermentation of the pineapples . . . it's a bit nauseating after a bit.
Owwww, Lawd. This is nectar of the gods. I swear it. Dole Whip is divine!!!!
Pineapple garden shapes. I was around the other side before I "saw" they were pineapples. I'm so daft!
Okay. I'm done. Stick a whole pineapple in me 'cos I'm done. I can't wait for folk to come visit so we can have a VALID excuse to go up and consume more Dole Whip. Okay, and ride the train again. I'm just that much of a child.